Horn Buzz 10/14/2022


Staff Conference Meals - November 9th, 17th, & 18th

School conferences are just around the corner!  Traditionally, the PTO has provided meals for teachers and staff on school conference days and we're excited to be doing that again this fall. 

Food and monetary donations are needed to show our hard working teachers and staff how much they are appreciated.  Please take a look at the sign-up and see if you're able to help.

Monetary donations can be made using this link for PayPal or drop of a check (made out to Horn PTO) or cash in the office labeled conference meals.  If there are donations in excess to what is needed for conference meals will be used for future staff appreciation and PTO expenses.

NEW HyVee Cash 4 Students Fundraiser
HyVee has started a new school fundraiser and we're excited to partner with them!  

Families and individuals can submit their receipts of any amount to Horn school.  For every $200 purchased at the grocery, wine/spirits, catering, deli, gas, postage, etc., HyVee will donate $1 to Horn.  

Start saving your in-person and online receipts and we'll communicate soon how you can turn them in.

Football Parking

Each Saturday home game, cars park in the school parking lot and playground blacktop off Benton for $15.  Bring your kids and they can play on the playground or set up a lemonade stand!  

Football parking is the easiest and most successful Horn fundraiser.  Thank you to everyone who has already helped this fall.  We have already raised more than $6000.  Sign-up here for one of the upcoming games.  We'll be in touch once kickoff time is set for each game.

Hawkeye Football Schedule

10/29 TBD - Northwestern

11/12 TBD - Wisconsin

11/25 @ 3:00 - Nebraska

PTO Gathering - 10/18 from 7:00-8:00pm
We had a great turn out, in person and on Zoom, for our first PTO meeting.  We would love to see you all again and have even more new faces join us this month.  Join us in the school library or on Zoom.  The link will be emailed prior to the meeting.

PTO meetings are held on the third Tuesday of each month in the Horn Library from 7:00-8:00pm.  Future dates include Nov. 15, Dec. 20, Jan. 17, Feb. 21, Mar. 21, Apr. 18, and May 16.  Want to catch up on the most recent PTO meeting.  You can find this school year's minutes here.  

Each month we get a school update from Principal Cannon, discuss upcoming school activities and events, and have time for parent questions.  Email hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com with any questions or if you want to get involved or check out our volunteer needs below!

2022-2023 PTO Volunteer Needs
We're looking for volunteers to organize Dine out for Horn days at local businesses like Sidekick, Hudson's, and The Wedge.

Want to say thank you to our staff.  A few parents are needed to coordinate simple treats in the staff lounge throughout the year.  Sign-up for a specific month or help out throughout the year.

Want more information before signing up?  Email the Horn PTO at hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com.

Scholastic Book Fair
Save the Date!  The annual book fair is about to return to Horn November 28-December 2.  We'd love to hold a bake sale along with the Book Fair if anyone is available to coordinate.

Amazon Smile: Visit smile.amazon.com on your web browser and sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.  Select "Ernest Horn School PTO" and start shopping!  To join AmazonSmile from the mobile app, open the app and find "Settings" in the main menu. Tap on "AmazonSmile" and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.
Box Tops: Support Horn School while you shop!  Sign-up here, choose Ernest Horn Elementary School to receive your rewards, and download the app on your phone.

Casey's Rewards: You can sign-up here for Casey's Rewards and select Ernest Horn Elementary School.  Your gas and convenience store purchases will support Horn school when you log-in and redeem your earned points.

Facebook: Do you use Facebook?  Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook