Horn Buzz 1/21/22


Staff Appreciation
School conferences are just around the corner!  Traditionally, the PTO has provided meals on school conference days.  With conferences being virtual, we would like to give each teacher a Chomp gift card so they can get a quick bite to eat during conferences.  We'll use the budgeted conference meal money of $100 along with any monetary donations received to purchase gift cards for our teachers.  Please consider donating any amount that works for your family.  Use this link for PayPal or drop of a check (made out to Horn PTO) or cash in the office labeled conference meals.

Sidekick Coffee & Books - Friday, February 11th
Our first fundraiser with Sidekick was cut short due to the snow so they're hosting a second one next month.  10% of all sales goes to Horn PTO to support Horn School.  

Stop by for a morning coffee or afternoon scoop of ice cream!  Sidekick serves coffee, lattes, tea, fresh bakery items, Hynes ice cream, milkshakes, and smoothies.  

Sidekick is also a book store and carries books, games, toys, journals, local artworks, candles, and so much more!

Please Share this Facebook Event with family and Friends.  

PTO Minutes
Want to catch up on the most recent PTO meeting.  You can find this school year's minutes here.  Contact hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions.

Horn Snack Wish List
Horn School is making snacks available to all students. If you are able to donate snacks, it would be greatly appreciated. Snacks can be ordered from Amazon and shipped directly to the school or purchased locally and dropped off. Check out the picture and links below for ideas. It is important that snacks are not manufactured with nuts and are free of gelatin. The following are great snacks we can serve.  Large bags or individually packaged are both welcome.

Want to purchase snacks directly from Amazon?  Check out the Amazon Snack Wish List. Don't forget to use Amazon Smile and choose "Ernest Horn School PTO" and the school will get a percentage back.

Have items shipped to:
Horn Elementary
600 Koser Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52246

Want to get involved?

The Parent Teacher Organization is looking for help with the following:

Playground Enhancements
 - We're looking to add some play options to both of our playgrounds and could use a parent or two to help organize and plan ideas and to communicate with the teacher collecting ideas from Horn staff.

Building Artwork - Do you have an eye for design, a heart for showcasing student artwork, or ideas to increase Horn school's warm and welcoming environment?  Horn has money already set aside to help decorate the walls inside the school and add ways to display student artwork.  A small group of parents and teachers are needed to begin making plans.

Spring Kids Kreations Artwork Fundraiser - Each year, the Horn art teacher helps the students produce a piece of artwork that is used for this fundraiser.  Families can order a variety of items with their student's artwork on it.  A coordinator is needed to contact Kids Kreations to schedule the fundraiser and work with the art teacher to get artwork collected.

Facebook: Do you use Facebook?  Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook