Horn Buzz 11/5/2021


Parent Teacher Organization Gathering - Wednesday, November 10th from from 6:30-7:30 on Zoom

The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is made up of all parents and guardians of students attending Horn School and school staff members.  

Want to get involved?
The Parent Teacher Organization is looking for help with the following:

Staff Appreciation - In the past, we've done meals around conference time and provided snacks on occasion in the teacher's lounge.  A coordinator or two are needed to organize a date and some treats.

McTeacher's Night - McDonald's will host a drive-thru fundraiser for us where 15% of sales are donated to Horn Elementary.  A coordinator is needed to reach out to McDonald's, schedule and date, and recruit a few teachers to help that evening.

Book Fair - Traditionally, Horn has had a winter book fair where families can purchase items for the students or the classroom.  It's a great opportunity to get some new books.  In person and online options are available.  A coordinator or two are needed to decide when and how we'd like to hold a book fair this school year.

Kids Kreations Artwork Fundraiser - Each year, the Horn art teacher helps the students produce a piece of artwork that is used for this fundraiser.  Families can order a variety of items with their student's artwork on it.  A coordinator is needed to contact Kids Kreations to schedule the fundraiser and work with the art teacher to get artwork collected.

Spring All-School Celebration - New this year, we want to hold a spring or end of year all-school celebration.  We've been unable to hold so many of our regular events and want to bring everyone together.  We're looking for a group of people who would like to begin making plans for this new event.

Contact hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions.
Want to catch up on the most recent PTO meeting.  You can find this school year's minutes here.  

Upcoming Dates - from 6:30-7:30 on Zoom
December 15th, January 12th, March 23rd, April 20th, May 18th

Order forms and payment are due November 30th.  More forms are available in the school office.  Yearbooks cost $10 and can be paid for with cash or check (made payable to Horn PTO).  Yearbooks will be distributed next fall.  If you plan to move over the summer, please provide the school office with your new mailing address when possible.

Horn Spirit Week

Football Parking
There are two more Iowa home games on 11/13 and 11/20.  The game time isn't set yet but we will need volunteers to help with football parking.  Check your calendar to see if you're available to help us finish the season strong.

Amazon Smile

Want to support Horn with your Amazon purchase?  Check out this helpful tutorial to show you how.

To get started with AmazonSmile, visit smile.amazon.com on your web browser and sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.  Select "Ernest Horn School PTO" and start shopping! 

To join AmazonSmile from the mobile app, open the app and find "Settings" in the main menu. Tap on "AmazonSmile" and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Facebook: Do you use Facebook?  Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook