Horn Buzz 10/22/2021


Want to get involved?
The Parent Teacher Organization is looking for help with the following:
Staff Appreciation, McTeacher's Night, Book Fair, Kids Kreations Artwork Fundraiser, Spring All-School Celebration

We are also looking for people to join the PTO Leadership Committee.  Contact hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com if you'd like more information.

Horn Spirit Wear - Closes Sunday, October 24

The Spirit Wear store is open for orders until October 24. Items will be sent home with your child on 11/8.  Contact Sarah Alward (sarah.alward@gmail.comwith any questions and let us know if something you purchase is a gift and you'd like to stop by the school and pick it up.   Check out the gear and shop here!

Winter Clothing Collection
If your family has new or gently used winter items that you've outgrown, please consider dropping them off in the donation box located in the front entrance at Horn.  Items most needed include winter coats, snow pants, snow boots, mittens, gloves, and long pants for ages 4-12.

PTO Minutes
Want to catch up on the most recent PTO meeting.  You can find this school year's minutes here.  

Contact hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com with any questions or suggestions.

Upcoming Dates - from 6:30-7:30 on Zoom
November 10th
December 15th
January 12th
March 23rd
April 20th
May 18th

School Store Wish List
The Horn School Store has an Amazon Wish List.  Students visit the school store to purchase prizes with their PBIS tickets.  Tickets are earned by being kind, safe, and responsible at school.  If you would like to contribute, visit the wish list, place an item in your cart, and have your item shipped directly to Horn School by entering the school address at check out!  Use Amazon Smile and we'll even earn money back on your purchase. 

Horn Elementary School Store
600 Koser Ave.
Iowa City, IA 52246

Amazon Smile
Want to support Horn with your Amazon purchase?  To get started with AmazonSmile, visit smile.amazon.com on your web browser and sign in with your Amazon.com credentials.  Select "Ernest Horn School PTO" and start shopping! 
To join AmazonSmile from the mobile app, open the app and find "Settings" in the main menu. Tap on "AmazonSmile" and follow the on-screen instructions to turn on AmazonSmile on your phone.

Facebook: Do you use Facebook?  Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook