Horn Buzz 3/26/2021



Parent Teacher Organization
We are looking forward to planning for next school year and want to consider what best meets the needs of our families and our school.  This year has allowed us time to rethink what school events and school support will look like moving forward.  All Horn parents and teachers are encouraged to reach out with any suggestions or ideas you have as we approach the 2021-2022 school year.  Please contact hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com if you want to be involved or share your thoughts!

Horn Cookbook
Pre-orders are extended through the weekend then it's off to the printer!  
To order, complete this form  (http://bit.ly/Horn-Cookbook- Order-Form). Cost is $12 per cookbook. Cash or check payments should be well labeled and dropped off at the Horn office.  Paypal:http://bit.ly/Horn-PTO-Paypal(please click "write a note" and include your name and your student's name)

The cookbook contains 96 pages (5.5in x 8.5in) with a metal coil binding with appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, desserts, soups and salads. All shared by our Horn families!  

Questions? Email Michelle at michellemsmoore@gmail.com.

PTO Minutes

Want to catch up on the most recent PTO meeting.  You can find this school year's minutes here.  

Yearbook Photos Needed

Students may submit their own "school picture" for the yearbook if you were unable to get one taken at Horn.  SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS HERE or email hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com with the students name and grade.

We would also love to receive pictures of students engaged in school and extracurricular activities:
    -virtual learning / heading off to school
    -playing their instruments
    -creating art
    -participating in clubs or organizations

Tell us about something your student is proud to have accomplished this year:
    -community service
    -completed art project or poem

Send us a picture of how your family has spent this time together! 

Photo requirements:
    -Photos need to be from this school year or past summer
    -Photos should be high resolution JPEGs
    -Include the names of all students pictured. Feel free to provide a description of the activity seen in the photograph

To submit your photos: 
    -Use the REPLAYIT link to upload directly to yearbook staff:  
    -Email pictures or questions to:  hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com

Submitting your photo does not guarantee your photo will run in the yearbook due to space limitations, but we would like to include as many photos as possible.

McTeacher's Drive-Thur Night - Tuesday, April 27th from 5:00-7:00

Swing by McDonald's (2440 Mormon Trek Blvd) for dinner or a treat, say hi to some Horn teachers and give a shout out to Hemi the Hornet!  Horn will receive 15% of ALL drive-thru sales 

Bonus: The grade level with the most attendees will be given $100 extra just for their classrooms. Be sure to tell the Horn teacher at the drive-thru what grade you are in to count towards the bonus! In-person and online students will count toward the total!

6th Grade Party

The annual 6th grade party is a longstanding tradition at Horn and we plan to continue that tradition this year!  Things are a bit unpredictable right now, but last year's 6th grade parents were able to came up with creative ways to celebrate the end of the school year and congratulate the 6th graders on completing elementary school.  Email Lori at lkimura@keystoneproperty.net if you would like to help plan this year's celebration.

Facebook: Do you use Facebook?  Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook