Horn Buzz 9/11/2020

Sidekick Coffee & Books Fundraiser - 9/12 from 8:00-5:00

We are creating a Storybook Trail at Horn Elementary!  Once or twice a month, teachers will select a new storybook to feature, and the pages will be spread out along the fence line and campus of Horn School. This trail will encourage regular outdoor time, hiking, and interest in books all at once! Families are encouraged the visit the trail on their own. In person classes will also walk the trail and read the story when we return to the hybrid model. 

This fundraiser helps to cover the costs of the materials to make the trail possible. Purchasing coffee, ice cream, sweet treats, books, puzzles, and more from our partners at Sidekick will help fund this project.  Share the Facebook event with friends and family!

Order ahead, choose September 12th as the pick-up date, and the sale will count! Or order the day of the event! Shop here

PTO Meetings

Welcome to Horn Elementary School!  Whether you are new or have been here for years, we are glad to have you as part of our family.  The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is made up of ALL parents and guardians of students attending Horn School and school staff members.  We look forward to working alongside you during your child’s time as a Horn Hornet.  Just like everything else, PTO will look a little different this year, but still plan to support Horn Elementary School in many ways!  PTO is looking for more parents to get involved this year.  There are lots of opportunities, big and small, and plenty of help for any newcomers.  

2020-2021 Parent Teacher Organization Meetings
6:30-7:30 on Zoom
request the monthly meeting link by emailing hornpto.iowacity@gmail.com 
September 23rd
October 21st
November 18th
December 16th
January 13th
February 17th
March 24th
April 21st
May 19th

Fall Fund Drive
This fall, the PTO is purchasing school supplies, student water bottles, mask lanyards, clear masks for teachers, tissues, hand sanitizer, disposable masks, baggies, and playground activities.  We have also increased our teacher reimbursement amount to allow all of our teachers to purchase necessary items.  

No contribution is too small or too large!!!
Online donations can be made by clicking here.

Checks or cash can be mailed to the school office:  
Horn PTO - 600 Koser Ave. - Iowa City, IA - 52246

Shop Amazon for Horn
Doing online shopping? Use the Shop Amazon for Horn link and our school earns 5-15% without your items costing you more! This is different than Amazon Smile and earns our school more money.

If you forget to click the link before adding items to your cart, no worries! You can go back and click the link and your items will still be in your cart.

Box Tops
Support Horn School while you shop!  Sign-up here, choose Ernest Horn Elementary School to receive your rewards, and download the app on your phone.

Facebook: Do you use Facebook?  Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook
Amazon:  Do you shop on Amazon?  Every purchase made through the Shop Amazon for Horn link earns money for our school.