School Carnival - Saturday, March 7th from 3:00-6:30
Save the date for the annual School Carnival! Email or text Laura / 319-541-8862 if you can help in any way or with any questions.
Carnival Prize Room
We are collecting trinkets, stickers, pencils, balloons, and small toys for the Carnival Prize Room. Check your junk drawers and toy boxes for small treasures to contribute. You can drop items off in the school office. If you would like to help coordinate the prize room please contact Betty at
Donations Needed: Full Size Candy Bar and Books
This year's carnival will feather a Candy Bar Walk and a Book Walk! These games are similar to musical chairs. We are also collecting gently used books and full size candy bars as prizes for these games. You can drop items off in the school office.
Carnival Silent Auction and Raffles
Classroom teachers will not be collecting items for themed baskets this year. Instead, we're reaching out locally for donated items. If your family or your place of work would like to put together a basket (big or small) or donate a gift card or item for the silent auction and raffles, please contact Sara at Sign-ups for a the cake decorating contest will go out soon!
Hornet Cafe and Family Meal
The Carnival Cafe will be serving a meal this year along with yummy baked goods. Please contact Althea at if you would like to help coordinate. Sign-ups for donations will go out soon.
Facebook: Do you use Facebook? Follow us at: Horn Hornets on Facebook
Amazon: Do you shop on Amazon? Every purchase made through the Shop Amazon for Horn link earns money for our school.