Horn Buzz 5-3-19

PTO Executive Board Nominations

Have you considered getting more involved at Horn next year? If you are interested in being on the PTO Executive Board or know someone who would be a good fit, please contact Laura Broffitt (Lbroffitt@yahoo.com or 319-541-8862). The executive board is made up of President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Communications Director. These positions can be held by one person or be shared.

Party for Horn 6 Grade

Questions? Please contact Amanda Jensen at AmandaJensen375@gmail.com or text 319-383-9412.

Staff Appreciation

Staff Appreciation Week is May 6-10 and we’re beginning to make plans. We will be sending out a sign up genius link next week if you would like to help out or donate items. If you have any questions, or would like to get involved, contact Laura at Lbroffitt@yahoo.com.

PTO Volunteer Breakfast

We would like to thank everyone who has volunteered for PTO activities and events. PTO will be hosting a Volunteer Breakfast at 7:30 am on Monday, May 13 in the Horn Library.

Group Picture Day

On Monday, May 13, PTO will be taking group pictures of the various clubs that our Horn Elementary kids are a part of. These pictures will be included in the yearbook.

PTO Meeting

Our final PTO meeting of the year will be on Tuesday, May 14 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Horn Library. The 5th grade teachers, along with the Special Education teachers, will be speaking to us about what is happening in their classes. We will also have updates from Principal Cannon as well. Finally, we will be approving the PTO budget for the 2019-2020 year, and approving the PTO executive board for 2019-2020. We hope you will be able to attend.

Garage Sale

Please save the date for our annual PTO Garage Sale which will occur on Saturday June 1st. If you are doing some spring cleaning and have items you would like to donate for the garage sale, please hold onto them for now, and we will provide more information in the coming days of how it can be donated. Thanks!