Horn Buzz 5-17-19

Garage Sale

The PTO Garage Sale will be Saturday, June 8 from 8am-noon. We will be holding the sale at 426 Koser and are asking for donations of items to be sold (big or small). All proceeds will go to the Horn PTO. Note that the date was change from June 1 to June 8 to coincide with the University Heights City Wide Garage Sale.

If you would like to donate, smaller items (boxes, toys, etc) can be dropped off anytime at 23 George St, Iowa City. If no one is home, leave it outside the front door.

For donation of larger items please contact Sara O'Sullivan at sara.a.osullivan@gmail.comto coordinate.

There is no need to assign price tags. Contact Sara or Lori Kimura (lkimura@keystoneproperty.net) with any questions. And save the date to do some shopping on June 8!