Horn Buzz 3-15-19

Horn Carnival Recap

Thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend the Horn Carnival earlier this month. We raised a total of $3,811.  This helps funds the PTO supported field trips that our kids get to participate in throughout the year.

Also, congratulations to our cake decorating contest winners!

PTO Meeting

Our next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, April 2 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Horn library. The 3rd grade teachers will be providing updates on their classes activities. If you are a current 3rd grade parent, or will have a 3rd grader next year, we hope you will be able to come. Instructional Coach, Lisa Heying, will also be providing us updates, along with the PTO and Principal Cannon.

Work Out Wednesdays

Work Out Wednesdays will be back in April!

Each Wednesday, starting at 7:15 am, kids will be welcome to come join Mr. Hildebrand and others in the gym for a good workout session to get the day started! Workout Wednesdays will be on 4/3, 4/10, 4/17, and 4/24.

More information will be sent home by the 6th grade teachers, please look for this in early April to provide t-shirt sizes!

Interested in participating as a chaperone? Own a business or know someone that may wish to donate? We need your help to make this the BEST experience for our children!! Questions? Please contact Amanda Jensen at amandajensen375@gmail.comor call/text 319-383-9412.