Horn Buzz 2-8-19

PTO Meeting

The February PTO meeting was rescheduled to Tuesday, February 12 from 6:00-7:00 in the school library. Note that the start time is 30 minutes earlier. Come hear the Kindergarten Teachers, as well as Mrs. Kelly (art) share about what is happening in their classes. Mrs. Cannon will give an update on the school cancellations and also share about and upcoming Iowa Assessments. Bring a quiet activity for in children attending.

Science Fair

We are really excited to have our annual Horn Science. Thank you to all the families and kids who have registered. If you signed up to pick up a tri-fold poster from school for your child’s project, they are available for pick up in the Horn office.

The Science Fair will take place on Saturday February 16 from 10 am to 12pm. From 10-11 am the kids will present their projects in the gym. Then from 11-12 pm, kids and families will come to the MPR to see demonstrations that will be put on by the National Driving Simulator. We hope you will all be able to come!

Conference Meals for Horn Staff

Parents teachers conferences are around the corner!

To show appreciation and thank Horn Teachers and Staff, families and the PTO put together meals for those busy days, and they like it very much!

We need your help: donate food items, or a little of your time. Use the following link to sign-up:

Box Top Collection Returns!

We are bringing back Box Top collection! Thank you to everyone who helped to collect Box Tops this fall. We earned over $290! Can we beat our total from this fall? Which class will be the big winner this semester? Mr. Proctor’s class was the top collecting class in the fall. Will it be your child’s class this semester?

Look for Box Tops on specially marked products such as cereal boxes, Zip Lock bags, Kleenex, etc., and clip them out. If you have the Box Top app on your phone, you can also upload your receipts to help earn Box top points for Horn.

We will be collecting Box Tops through Wednesday, February 27. If you have any questions, please contact Merrie-Anne Casko at merrieannecasko@gmail.com.

The Horn Carnival is quickly approaching on Saturday, March 2 from 2:00-5:30. SAVE THE DATE! Each student will be given 10 free tickets which can be used to play games, buy a cookie at the Hornet Cafe, and enter a raffle. Carnival tickets may also be purchased ahead of time or the day of the event. Your child will bring home a Carnival Packet next week with more information! The Carnival is one of our biggest school events and the money raised at the carnival supports the free community building events we're able to do at school.

Carnival Prize Room Donations

We are collecting trinkets, stickers, small toys, etc. for the upcoming carnival. Please check your junk drawers and toy boxes for small treasures to contribute to the carnival. A collection box is located in the school office. You can also contact Betty Tannous (beatannous@gmail.com) and drop items off directly to her. Thanks!

Cake Donations and Decorating Contest

We're trying something new at the Carnival! This year, we will have a cake decorating contest and donated cakes will be auctioned and raffled off in the lunch room. Staff, parents, and students are encouraged to participate. This year's cake contest theme is "CARNIVAL!" Those who do not wish to participate in the theme contest may still donate a cake. Along with cake donations we will be collecting King Size Candy Bars for a Candy Bar Walk (in lieu of the Cake Walk). Please consider signing-up to donate a cake or some King Size candy bars:  CAKE DONATION SIGN UP

Classroom Silent Auction Baskets

Each classroom selected a theme and will be collecting items to create a basket for the silent auction. Be on the lookout for a flier or email from your child's teacher and consider how your family can be involved.

Hornet Café Donations

You can help make the Hornet Café a fun pit-stop for families during the Horn Carnival by providing donations of cookies, juice boxes, and other treats! Please sign up at the link below.