Horn Buzz 12/7/18

Dessert Social

This Wednesday, December 12 is our annual Horn Dessert Social from 6:30-7:30 in the MPR. Bring a dessert to share and get to know fellow Horn families. It’s always a lot of fun, and we hope you will be able to come and enjoy! Please sign up at the following link:

Upcoming Events

-PTO meeting on 1/8/19 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Horn Library.  The Fourth Grade teachers and the Band and Orchestra teachers will be in attendance.

-Dance Marathon on 1/17/19

Science Fair
Attention Horn Hornets! Calling all Future Scientists! 

All First to Sixth graders are invited to participate in the annual Horn Science Fair which will occur on Saturday, February 16. Be on the look out in this week’s Friday folder for more information about the Science Fair.

If your child would like to participate in the science fair, please register them at the following link.


It never hurts to start thinking early about topics and projects! Registrations forms are due by January 25. If you have any questions, please contact Heena Olalde at

Horn Endowment Fund
As we come to the end of 2018, some may be looking to make end-of-year donations. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Horn Endowment Fund which exists to provide income for educational needs at Horn from a long-term investment. You can donate by visiting the following link: DONATE TO HORN PTO HERE

Spring Volunteer Needs
We had a wonderful start to the school year and have enjoyed all the fall events. We could not have done it without your help! As we look ahead, we need to fill a few more volunteer spots to help make things run smoothly in the spring. Would you consider helping out with the February Movie Night, our School Carnival on March 2, Staff Appreciation Week in May or the School-Wide Garage Sale?

Check out the other opportunities and sign up by visiting our Spring Volunteer Sign-Up. Contact Laura Broffitt at Lbroffitt@yahoo.com or 319-541-8862 with any questions.

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