Horn Buzz 11/30/18

PTO Meeting
Our next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, December 4th from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Horn Library.  We will have the first grade teachers come to discuss what the first graders have been up to this year.  If you are a kindergarten parent and able to come to the meeting, it will be a great way to learn more about what to expect next year when your child is in first grade.

We will also have the English Language Learning (ELL) teachers come to the meeting as well to discuss what they do to help those who may need assistance with learning the English language.

New Feature on ICCSD App
Have you downloaded the ICCSD app on your smart phone or tablet? There is a new feature that was added to the app which you might find really helpful.  There is a new icon in the app called Student Info.  

Earlier this week you should have received an e-mail from Horn Elementary that includes a numeric user ID and password.  You can use that to log into your child’s student information. You will also see notifications from the school and district in the app as well.

Dessert Social
Mark your calendars for December 12th for our annual Horn Dessert Social from 6:30-7:30 pm in the MPR.  Bring a dessert to share and get to know fellow Horn families.  It's always a lot of fun, and we hope you will be able to come and enjoy!
Science Fair
Attention Horn Hornets!  Calling all Future Scientists!  All 1st-6th graders are invited to participate in the annual Horn Science Fair which will occur on Saturday, February 16th. Be on the look out in this week’s Friday folder for more information about the Science Fair.

If your child would like to participate in the science fair, please register them at the following link.  SCIENCE FAIR SIGN UP

If never hurts to start thinking early about topics and projects! Registrations forms are due by January 25th.  If you have any questions, please contact Heena Olalde at heena-olalde@uiowa.edu.

Football Parking
A huge thank you to our coordinator, Adela Mansilla, and to all who volunteered this fall!  We raised a total of $5405, bringing in an average of $108.10/hour with a total of 50 volunteer hours.  This will cover the cost of field trips for all of our students this year.

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