Horn Buzz 10/26/18

Horn Olympics
Our annual Horn Olympics was a huge success. Thank you to all of the parent volunteers, staff and students for making this such a wonderful event. We look forward to getting together with our teams for activities throughout the year!

International Night
Thank you to everyone who came and participated in International Night this week.  It was a great turn out!  We are so lucky to have so many families from many countries around the world.

PTO Meeting
Our next PTO meeting will be on Tuesday, November 6 from 6:30-7:30 pm in the Horn Library. We will have the following specials teachers come to talk to us: Joan Depregner (Media Specialist), Josh Hildebrand (Physical Education), and Kate Hagen (Music).

Upcoming Events
Mark your calendars for some upcoming events that will be happening in November.
Tuesday 11/6 - Bake Sale from 3:30-6:30 pm
Tuesday 11/6 - PTO Meeting from 6:30-7:30 pm
11/13 to 11/16 - Book Fair
Thursday 11/29 - Bingo for Books at 6:00 pm

Volunteer Opportunities

Calling All Bakers
The PTO is always trying to build a bigger Hive to help improve our children's school experience. We are putting on a Bake Sale from 3:30-6:30 on November 6, which is also Election Day.  We need donations of homemade or store bought cookies, brownies, cakes, bread and any other sweets.  Plus we need volunteers to help sell the treats. So look for our flyers.  
 Sign up here to donate or volunteer.  We can't do this with out your support!  

Conference Meals for the teachers
We are looking for volunteers to help donate food and items for the Parent Teacher Conferences that are coming up November 7, 15 and 16.  Please take a look at the sign-up and see how you can contribute.

Horn Winter Clothing Drive
If your family has new or gently used winter items to donate to other families, please drop them off in the donation box in the Horn office. This can include winter coats, snow pants, snow boots, mittens/gloves, long sleeved shirts/sweaters, and pants. Donations will be accepted until 
November 2.

If your family needs assistance getting winter items for your Horn students and would like to see if we have winter items available in their size(s), please contact Megan Recker, the Student & Family Advocate. You can email her at recker.megan@iowacityschools.org or call her at (319) 688-1179. We will have a limited number of winter items available and cannot guarantee availability of all items in all sizes.