Welcome to our new PTO Blog! You’ll see information about what has been happening, upcoming events, ways to volunteer, and much more! We hope you find this a helpful way to keep you in the know. Enjoy!
Did you miss out on ordering a yearbook from last year? Or, were you not able to get a yearbook at the Ice Cream Social? The PTO has ordered some extra copies of last year’s yearbook. If you are interested in purchasing one, please contact Mrs. Pauley in the school office. The yearbooks are $10 each.
Spirit Wear
Sales have started and will continue through Monday 10/22. There is a lot of great merchandise with the Horn Elementary logo are available for purchase, such as hoodies, hats, shirts, and more! Order Online Here
Upcoming Events
Monday, October 15: Wacky Day
Tuesday, October 16: Tropical Day
Wednesday, October 17: Cultural/Nationality Day
Thursday, October 18: Comfy Day
Friday, October 19: Wear your Horn Olympic team color
Horn Olympics will be on Friday October 19. Horn Olympics is an all-school event where students get to work on team-building skills and show off their school spirit. The teachers will lead the students through the various challenges. Look for your child’s team color assignment in their folders this week.
Parent volunteers are needed to help set up and run the activities and games. Volunteers play an important role in keeping the Olympic games running smoothly.
International Night will take place on Wednesday October 24 from 6:00-7:30pm. International Night is a wonderful event where families from our school come together to showcase their culture. Families can host a table and bring artifacts and/or food native to their country to display and share. There will also be a fashion show for the kids to participate in to showcase attire from their native country. It is an amazing night and a great way to get to know the Horn families. We hope you will be able to come!
If you are interested in hosting a table, or have any questions, please contact Sara Cummins at cummins.sara@iowacityschools.org.
Halloween Costume Collection
Parent volunteers are needed to help set up and run the activities and games. Volunteers play an important role in keeping the Olympic games running smoothly.
If you are interested in hosting a table, or have any questions, please contact Sara Cummins at cummins.sara@iowacityschools.org.
Halloween Costume Collection
PTO is collecting new and gently used Halloween costumes starting through Oct. 19th. Costumes must be school appropriate: no weapons! If possible, please put each costume in a separate bag clearly marked with the size/age and description on the outside of the bag and place your donations in the special drop box in the office. Children desiring a costume must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Contact Michelle Moore at michellemsmoore@gmail.com
PTO will give away collected costumes free to Horn students in the school front entrance hallway on the following dates:
PTO will give away collected costumes free to Horn students in the school front entrance hallway on the following dates:
Monday, Oct. 22 from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 24 from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Friday, Oct. 26 from 4:00 - 5:30 p.m.
Horn Winter Clothing Drive
If your family has new or gently used winter items to donate to other families, please drop them off in the donation box in the Horn office. This can include winter coats, snow pants, snow boots, mittens/gloves, long sleeved shirts/sweaters, and pants. Donations will be accepted until November 2nd.
If your family has new or gently used winter items to donate to other families, please drop them off in the donation box in the Horn office. This can include winter coats, snow pants, snow boots, mittens/gloves, long sleeved shirts/sweaters, and pants. Donations will be accepted until November 2nd.
If your family needs assistance getting winter items for your Horn students and would like to see if we have winter items available in their size(s), please contact Megan Recker, the Student & Family Advocate, at recker.megan@iowacityschools.org or (319) 688-1179. We have a limited number of winter items available and cannot guarantee availability of all items in all sizes.